Price Database

104th Art and Antiques Auction
from 07/11/2016

2.430 Positionen

Pair of Art Nouveau cookbooks

Lot 1017 limit € 20

1 x "Henriette Davidi's practical cookbook for ordinary and finer cuisine. Newly edited and edited by Gertrude Wiemann with special consideration for beginners and prospective housewives according to the latest experiences and advances", Berlin: Herlet, oJ, Art Nouveau linen binding and 1 x "Large German cookbook of fine and good bourgeois cuisine", edited by Ernst Lößnitzer, illustrated, provided with a hunting calendar and the foreign food designations, Dresden: Wilhelm Baensch, 1903, Art Nouveau linen binding, different. Signs of age and wear (among other things, the cover is slightly damaged, rubbed, but nice, usable editions)

bid preparation

Current auction

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Konvolut Handbücher KEIN NACHVERKAUF