Price Database

104th Art and Antiques Auction
from 07/11/2016

2.430 Positionen

Schrag, Martha (1870 Borna - 1957 Karl-Marx-Stadt)

Lot 2076 limit € 80

Large collection of writings and photo documents about the Chemnitz artist Martha Schrag, including: 1 x manuscript "Martha Schrag as an art educator", 1 x collection orig. Letters to Martha Schrag, around the period 1905-64, 1x illustrated dissertation "Martha Schrag testament, 1 x lot copies of your correspondence approx. period 1905-57, 1 x lot material and newspaper clippings about the artist group Chemnitz etc., different Signs of age and use, one-off, rich, untested treasure trove of Chemnitz art history

bid preparation

Current auction

144. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
am 7. März 2025

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