Price Database

104th Art and Antiques Auction
from 07/11/2016

2.430 Positionen

Arp, Carl Prof. (1867 Kiel - 1913 Weimar)

Lot 3044 limit € 330

oil/canvas on cardboard, spring landscape with tree-lined path, signed lower right, framed, approx. 50 x 32 cm, with frame approx. 67 x 50 cm, studied from 1886 with Theodor Hagen and Leopold von Kalckreuth at the Weimar Art School, study trip to Italy, 1912 Professor, known for his landscape paintings

bid preparation

Current auction

144. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
am 7. März 2025

Lot 2520
Opening price € 330

Unbekannter Maler des 18. Jh.

Lot 2531
Opening price € 330

Unbekannter Maler der Romantik

Lot 2517
Opening price € 460

Unknown Baroque painter

Lot 2508
Opening price € 90

Unbekannter Figurenmaler um 1800