Price Database

104th Art and Antiques Auction
from 07/11/2016

2.430 Positionen

Merker, Max (1861 Weimar - 1928 ibid.)

Lot 3048 limit € 650

Oil/canvas, "Spring landscape after the storm near Tiefurt", landscape in Thuringia, signed lower right, around 1906, in a magnificent gold frame, approx. 35 x 49 cm, with frame approx. 50 x 65 cm, studied at the art school in Weimar Theodor Hagen, Alexander Struys and Woldemar Friedrich, known for atmospheric landscapes

bid preparation

Current auction

144. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
am 7. März 2025

Lot 2543
Opening price € 180

Schweichler, M.

Lot 2520
Opening price € 330

Unbekannter Maler des 18. Jh.

Lot 2517
Opening price € 460

Unknown Baroque painter