Price Database

104th Art and Antiques Auction
from 07/11/2016

2.430 Positionen

Three stemmed mugs

Lot 6568 limit € 160

Silver 875, partially gilded, marked in Russian, profiled round foot and handle, goblet-shaped cup with folded edge, circumferentially curved cartouches partly engraved, foliage in niello technique, good condition, H approx. 9.5 cm, total weight approx. 124 g, after 1958

bid preparation

Current auction

144. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
am 7. März 2025

Lot 6031
Opening price € 380


Lot 6006
Opening price € 180

Speisebesteck für 12 Personen Lambert

Lot 6034
Opening price € 350

Twelve Art Nouveau soup spoons

Lot 6016
Opening price € 950