Price Database

104th Art and Antiques Auction
from 07/11/2016

2.430 Positionen

Collection of coins from the Empire and fine silver medal

Lot 9014 limit € 70

12 issues in all, including: 2 x 5 marks in silver Prussia, vs. Wilhelm II German Emperor King of Prussia head right, rs. crowned heraldic eagle, 1903 (A), 1 x 5 marks in silver Prussia, vs. Wilhelm Deutscher Kaiser King of Prussia head right, rs. crowned heraldic eagle, 1876 (C), 1 x 3 marks in silver Prussia, vs. Wilhelm II German Emperor King of Prussia head right, rs. crowned heraldic eagle, 1909 (A), 1 x fine silver coinage (1000), vs. "Walhalla 1842 - 1992", rs. King Ludwig I, Leo von Klenze, D approx. 31 mm, approx. 10 g, 1 x 3 marks in silver Bavaria, vs. Otto König von Bayern head left, rs. crowned heraldic eagle, 1910 (D) etc., untested interesting collection

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