Price Database

104th Art and Antiques Auction
from 07/11/2016

2.430 Positionen

Mixed lot of military writings and map

Lot 9530 limit € 20

4 pieces in total, including: 1 x "The Battle of Arras. Published by several infantry regiments", with 350 photos, Munich: Piper, 1918, 1 x "Between Arras and Péronne published by a German reserve corps", with 311 photos , Munich: Piper, 1917, 1 x Wagner (ed.) "Tannenberg and his graves of heroes", printing and publishing house Osteroder Zeitung, oJ as well as 1 x "map to the history of the Middle Ages", with a stamp of the "KB Cadetten Corps Commando" ( Kingdom of Bavaria), c. 51 x 66.5 cm, differ. strong signs of age and wear

bid preparation

Current auction

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