Price Database

105th Art and Antiques Auction
from 09/17/2016

2.430 Positionen

Collection of island books

Lot 1026 limit € 20

Altogether more than 30 issues, including among others: Honoré Daumier "The Parliament of the July Monarchy" (643), Josef Hegenbarth "Fairy Tales and Fables" (790), Albert Ebert "Poetry of Everyday Life" (765), Georg Weerth "Streiflichter auf Old England" (761), Arnold Zweig "Baruch Spinoza" (728), Egon Erwin Kisch "Backgrounds of History" (751), Johannes R. Becher "Rebirth. Book of Sonnets" (1079), Guan Hsiu "The Sixteen Lohans " (727), Heinrich Böll "Irish Diary" (498) Käthe Kollwitz "Blätter über den Peasants' War" (1005) etc. different. strong signs of age and wear

bid preparation

Current auction

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am 7. März 2025

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