Price Database

105th Art and Antiques Auction
from 09/17/2016

2.430 Positionen

Baroque cupboard lock

Lot 8561 limit € 280

Wrought iron, box lock with 2 bolts, finely chased and pierced, gold-bronze cover with tendril motif, with key, H approx. 20 cm, plus: 2 rococo key shields, brass, fine pierced rocaille decor, H each approx. 10 cm, and part of a door fitting, iron plate with hand-driven sheet brass overlay, dated "1739", spring bolt on the back, approx. 8 x 11 cm, each with signs of age, 18th century

bid preparation

Current auction

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am 7. März 2025

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Reklameschild LÖWENBRÄU