Price Database

105th Art and Antiques Auction
from 09/17/2016

2.430 Positionen

Collection of silver coins and small coins III. Rich

Lot 9107 limit € 980

69 coins in total, including: 1 x 5 Reichsmark in silver "Martin Luther" 1933 (E), 1 x 2 Reichsmark in silver "Martin Luther" 1933 (A), 1 x 5 Reichsmark in silver "Friedrich Schiller" 1934 (F), 1 x 2 Reichsmark in silver "Friedrich Schiller" 1934 (F), 1 x 5 Pfennig (eagle with swastika) 1936 (A), 2 x 50 nickel (eagle with swastika) 1938 (A) and 1939 ( A), 7 x 50 Pf aluminum: 1935 (J eagle without swastika), 1939 (B), 1940 (A), 1941 (B), 1942 (B), 1943 (J), 1944 (F), 1 x 5 Reichsmark in silver "Garrisonskirche" (with date) 1934 (D), 1 x 2 Reichsmark in silver "Garrisonskirche" (with date) 1934 (E), 2 x 5 Marks in silver "Garrisonskirche" (undated) 1934 (A) , 1935 (D) etc., unchecked in transparent pockets, illustrated supplements in ring binder, signs of age and wear

bid preparation

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