Price Database

105th Art and Antiques Auction
from 09/17/2016

2.430 Positionen

Collection of silver coins / silver commemorative coins Europe

Lot 9147 limit € 180

24 pieces in total, including: 1 x 10 euros Federal Republic "200th anniversary of Schiller's death" 2005, 925/1000, D approx. 32.5 mm, 18 g, transparent capsule, PP, certificate, 1 x 10 euros Belgium 2003 "Georges Simenon", 925/1000, D approx. 33 mm, 18.75 g, transparent capsule, PP, certificate, 1 x 10 Euro Belgium "50 years north-south connection Brussels railway" 2002, 925/1000, 18, 75 g, D approx. 33 mm, PP, transparent capsule, certificate, 1 x 10,000 lira San Marino "Children of Europe", 835/1000, 22 g, D approx. 34 mm, PP, transparent capsule, certificate, 1 x 8 euros Portugal "Football European Championship" 2004, 500/1000, approx. 21.14 g, BU, transparent capsule, certificate, 1 x 10,000 lira San Marino "Farewell to the Lira" 2001, 925/1000, 22 g, D approx. 34 mm, PP, transparent capsule, certificate etc., unchecked in wooden box with blue velvet inlay, total approx. 547 g silver

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