Price Database

106th Art and Antiques Auction
from 03.12.2016

1.959 Positionen

Souvenir Foot Vase

Lot 6500 limit € 180

835 silver, manufacturer: Hemmerle, Munich, 4 feet in the form of a winged eagle medallion, slightly conically widened above, lettering "Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club" all around and "ADAC Reichsfahrt 1. Preis" in the oval cartouche, dated 1933, edge slightly dented , signs of age, height approx. 17 cm, weight approx. 261 g

bid preparation

Current auction

143. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
am 22. November 2024

Lot 6091
Opening price € 40

jewelry box

Lot 6062
Opening price € 180

Paar figürliche Messerbänkchen

Lot 6026
Opening price € 360


Lot 6058
Opening price € 80

letter opener