Price Database

106th Art and Antiques Auction
from 03.12.2016

1.959 Positionen

Europe Collection - Commemorative Coins "ECU"

Lot 9033 limit € 80

33 pieces in total, including: 1 x 25 Ecu Netherlands "Maastricht" 1993, silver 925/1000, 25 g, D approx. 38 mm, PP, transparent capsule, certificate, 1 x 25 Ecu Luxembourg "Princely couple Jean and Joséphine " 1995, silver 925/1000, 22.85 g, D approx. 37 mm, PP, transparent capsule, certificate, 1 x 25 Ecu Luxembourg "Joseph Bech" 1993, silver 925/1000, 22.85 g, D approx. 37 mm, PP, transparent capsule, certificate, 1 x 25 Ecu Luxembourg "Grand Duchess Charlotte" 1996, silver 925/1000, 22.85 g, D approx. 37 mm, PP, transparent capsule, certificate, 1 x 25 Ecu Gibraltar "Eurotunnel" 1993 , silver 925/1000, 25 g, D approx. 30 mm, PP, transparent capsule, certificate etc., unchecked in velvet case with insert, total approx. 300 g silver

bid preparation

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