Price Database

106th Art and Antiques Auction
from 03.12.2016

1.959 Positionen

Silver Coins Canada

Lot 9040 limit € 20

Set "Discovering Nature-Découvrons la nature", a total of 4 coins at 50 cents, each 925/1000, D approx. 27 mm, each approx. 9.3 g-total 37.2 g, av. jew. representation: wood duck chick, elk, American black bear and puma, rv. Elisabeth II., behind transparent capsules (PP), in a simple cardboard box (without additional slipcase and accompanying booklet)

bid preparation

Current auction

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am 22. November 2024

Lot 1210
Opening price € 30

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Lot 1233
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Lot 1213
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Drei Briefmarkenalben Blocks