Price Database

106th Art and Antiques Auction
from 03.12.2016

1.959 Positionen

Collection of historical postcards

Lot 9066 limit € 50

Altogether more than 200 pieces, before 1945, including: "Görlitz Kaisertrutz with Stadttheater", "Leipzig general view", "Greetings from Kötzschenbroda", "Greetings from doers", "Görlitz Viaduct", "Saxon Switzerland Bastei Bridge", "Leipzig the new main station", "Nineteenhain dam near Lengefeld i. Ore Mountains", "Görbersdorf i. Schl.", "Leutersdorf", "Schluckenau Schützenhaus technical school pharmacy", "Greetings from the giant barrel on the Jaberlich", "gymnasium Oberfriedersdorf" etc. , as well also various field post, unchecked in the old collector's album, signs of age and wear

bid preparation

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