Price Database

112th Art and Antiques Auction
from 02.12.2017

1.959 Positionen

Collection of literature and plans about Chemnitz

Lot 1026 limit € 30

1 x large map of Chemnitz and the surrounding area, from 1930, in two parts: Part I folding map, image section from the Schlossteich to Auerswalde or Röhrsdorf to Niederwiesa, approx. 78 x 119 cm, Part II folding map, image section, city center to Klaffenbach or Siegmar to Kleinolbersdorf, c. 88 x 119 cm, special edition for the Chemnitz address book (damaged, among other things more torn), with: 1 x "calendar and list of members of the royal Saxon military association "Sächsische Grenadiers" zu Chemnitz", 1916, cardboard cover, 1 x "Chemnitz homeland guide. Guide for homeland friends and those who want to become one", Dresden-Wachwitz: Wittig & Schobloch, oJ, paperback, 1 x "Society of officers on leave at Chemnitz December 1899", paperback, "guide through Chemnitz" , rich advertising appendix, introduced card, edition 1913/14, cardboard cover and 1 x "commemorative publication for the fiftieth anniversary of the Gablenzer School June 15, 1926", brochure, different strong signs of age and wear

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