Price Database

112th Art and Antiques Auction
from 02.12.2017

1.959 Positionen

Collection of stamps from the German Empire

Lot 9000 limit € 80

mint (*), around the period 1872-1933, with official stamps and inflation part, many better values, unchecked, inserted in an old preprinted album (1936 Gerhart Göhler Verlag, with explanations on the right edge)

bid preparation

Current auction

143. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
am 22. November 2024

Lot 1215
Opening price € 60

Madonnentaler Bayern

Lot 1233
Opening price € 30

Konvolut Banknoten und Wechselscheine

Lot 1246
Opening price € 40

Zwei Briefmarkenalben

Lot 1245
Opening price € 40

Drei Briefmarkenalben Blocks