Altogether more than 100 pieces, including: 1 x medal for the largest train station in Europe. Construction period 1902-1915., To commemorate my first arrival at the new Leipzig central station, D approx. 40 mm, 2 x Luitpold Prince Regent of Bavaria, at the unveiling of an equestrian statue on his 80th birthday in 1901, D approx. 27 mm, 1 x Ville of Verviers. 31.eme Fête Fédérale Belge de Gymnastique 14.-17. August 1908, D approx. 50 mm, 2 x 1 Reichsmark rolled (each 50 x 2 Pf Kaiserreich) etc., unchecked interesting lot
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143. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion am 22. November 2024