Price Database

113th Art and Antiques Auction
from 17.3.2017

1.959 Positionen

Collection of coins from the Weimar Republic and III. Rich

Lot 9107 limit € 30

30 pieces in total, including: 6 x 4 Reichspfennig, copper, D approx. 24 mm, 1932 (3 x A, D, 2 x E), 11 x 50 Reichspfennig, nickel, D approx. 20 mm, 1927 (3 x A), 1928 (3 x A, 2 x F, G), 1931 (A), 1936 (A) and 13 x 50 Reichspfennig, aluminum, D approx. 22.5 mm, 1935 (3 x A, D, F , J), 1939 (A), 1940 (2 x A), 1941 (2 x A), 1943 (D), 1944 (D)

bid preparation

Current auction

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