Collection of silver coins from Bavaria, Hamburg, Prussia, Württemberg
Lot 9118
limit € 70
A total of 7 silver coins of two marks, 1 x 2 marks Hamburg, av. Coat of arms of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, rv. crowned heraldic eagle, 1904 (J), 1 x 2 marks, av. Wilhelm II. King of Württemberg head right, rv. crowned heraldic eagle, 1904 (F), 1 x 2 Mark, av. Wilhelm II German Emperor King of Prussia bust right in uniform, rv. crowned heraldic eagle, 1913 (A) and 4 x 2 marks, av. Luitpold Prince Regent of Bavaria head right, dates of life, 90th birthday, rv. crowned heraldic eagle, 1911 (D)
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Current auction
143. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion am 22. November 2024