Stein, Matthias (1954 Freiberg - active in Chemnitz)
Lot 9514
limit € 100
Mixed media, The Book, inscribed on the reverse, signed and dated (19)98 top right, framed in an artist's frame, overall approx. 83 x 92 cm, studied at the KHS Burg Giebichenstein/Halle, 1990 founding member of the Laterne producer gallery in Chemnitz, 1999 Co-founder of the tower gallery project at Augustusburg Castle, 2000 publication of the catalog Asche, Staub und Licht for the Neue Sächsische Galerie Chemnitz, 2003 support for Sol Lewitt Wall Drawing, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz, since 2005 annual summer academy with Karsten Mittag in the painting studio, Lotterhof/Augustusburg
bid preparation
Current auction
143. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion am 22. November 2024