Price Database

114th Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/16/2018

2.430 Positionen

Dining rest service

Lot 4003 limit € 60

Manufacture: Royal Private Porcelain Factory Tettau, curved shape, consisting of: 15 dinner plates, 10 soup plates and 7 dinner plates, 1 round bowl, 2 oval plates in different sizes, 2 round plates in different designs and 1 ragout bowl, gold rim with red edge, gold decoration partly rubbed, slight signs of wear, edge of lid 1 x slightly damaged, plate diameter from approx. 20 to 26 cm, plate length approx. 39 or 44 cm, middle of the 20th century.

bid preparation

Current auction

144. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
am 7. März 2025

Lot 4500
Opening price € 500

Pariser Ausrufer Geiger - 18. Jh.

Lot 4245
Opening price € 1.500

Seltene Deckelvase Blumenmalerei

Lot 4136
Opening price € 2.000

Große Hundefigur Foxterrier

Lot 4318
Opening price € 2.900

Allegorische Figur Hoffnung

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