Price Database

114th Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/16/2018

2.430 Positionen

cameo pendant

Lot 4638 limit € 60

GG 750 tested, oval cameo with a lady's profile in bezel setting, framing made of double rows of gold wire arches, subtly decorated pendant loop, approx. 3.9 x 2.5 cm, gross approx. 7.1 g

bid preparation

Current auction

144. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
am 7. März 2025

Lot 5104
Opening price € 4.000

Ungefasster Brillant

Lot 5260
Opening price € 390


Lot 5186
Opening price € 650


Lot 5151
Opening price € 220

Solitaire diamond ring