Price Database

114th Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/16/2018

2.430 Positionen

Art Deco pendant with chain

Lot 4669 limit € 20

Silver, filigree, geometrically openwork pendulum shape, 7 diamond roses and 1 round aquamarine-colored gemstone, Mille handle decorations, approx. 3.1 x 1.6 cm, gross approx. 3.4 g, around 1920, with a delicate foxtail chain fake

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Current auction

144. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
am 7. März 2025

Lot 5194
Opening price € 390

Peridot-Goldanhänger mit Kette

Lot 5028
Opening price € 220


Lot 5195
Opening price € 500


Lot 5151
Opening price € 220

Solitaire diamond ring