Price Database

114th Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/16/2018

2.430 Positionen

Collection Of Kitchen Utensils

Lot 8532 limit € 20

each copper, various decorative objects, with 2 pans and 1 crucible, marked VEB Kunstschmiede, Neuruppin, each tinned inside, slim wooden handle, 1 hot-water bottle, 1 hourglass, throughput time approx. 5 minutes, as well as hand lamp and 3 wooden spoons, different strong signs of age and wear

bid preparation

Current auction

144. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
am 7. März 2025

Lot 8614
Opening price € 600

songbird automaton

Lot 8554
Opening price € 30

Reklameschild KATHREINER

Lot 8587
Opening price € 30

Drei Handspiegel