mint never hinged, from 1944, Mi-No. 639 Postal stamp issue of the Allied troops up to 1989 (including the stamp issue Conseil de l'Europe with double denomination in ECU), probably as complete as possible (missing values: Mi-No. 861-865, Mi.-No. 987-990, Mi-No. 1015 -1020), with block, small sheet and stamp booklet issues (Red Cross), in addition: stamped brochure ARPHILA 75 Paris and stamp set, sheet of the se-tenant issue from 1971 Charles de Gaulle Michel no. 1772-1775 with 5 se-tenants row of blanks below, decorated edge piece above, in addition to various duplicates and offprints, unchecked in 3 KABE pre-printed albums (Göppinger large issue 921), behind transparent pockets
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144. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion am 7. März 2025