Price Database

114th Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/16/2018

2.430 Positionen

Collection of silver coins Federal Republic

Lot 9039 limit € 80

A total of 24 silver coins of 10 DM, 625/1000, D approx. 32.5 mm, each approx. 15.5 g, a total of 372 g silver, including: 2 x Olympic Games 1972 (stadium) 1972 (G), 3 x Olympiad 1972 (athletes) 1972 (D, G, J), 3 x Brandenburg Gate 1991 (A), 1 x 20 July 1944 German Resistance 1994 (A), 1 x Treaty of Rome 1987 (G), 1 x Lortzing 2001 (J) etc., behind transparent pockets

bid preparation

Current auction

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am 7. März 2025

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