mint never hinged, 1945, from Michel no. 927 Special edition for the 300th anniversary of Quevedo's death until 1989 (including typesetting and se-tenant - issue V Centenario del Descubrimento de América), much complete (missing: 1945 - 7 values (Barcelona contribution stamps), 1950/51 - 12 values (100 years of Spanish stamps , airmail issue for the same reason, charity issue with overprint, 45 Cs color change stamp Head of State issue 1948/49, 1989 1 block issue), in addition to various duplicates and offprints, unchecked in two KABE - albums (Göppinger large issue No. 921) behind transparent pockets
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144. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion am 7. März 2025