Price Database

114th Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/16/2018

2.430 Positionen

Memorabilia of a Colonel II. WW

Lot 9301 limit € 20

Saxony/East Front, 5 pieces in total, including: 1 x ashtray, brass, made from a cartridge base and 3 cartridge cases, 3 shelves, in the plate dedication to Colonel H. Kessler Kdr. Gren. Regiment 171 dedicated by his adj. Hpt. G. Schwenke Russia War Christmas 1943, iron cross with swastika, D approx. 12.5 cm, 1 x tray, brass, probably driven out of a grenade casing, two handles on the side (1 x missing) , hammered decoration, dedication to your regimental commander, Colonel Hermann Kessler, for the war Christmas of 1943, department I b, swastika and cross of honor of the 171s, approx. 22.5 x 17.5 cm, 1 x brass cup, probably made from cartridge cases, hammered decoration, dedication to your Commander at GR 171 and 192 1942 - 44 The orderly officers Lt. Cechan and Lt. dr Naumann zu Königsbrück, H approx. 12.5 cm, D approx. 7.4 cm, 1 x map case from Colonel H. Kessler, metal plaque with the colonel's name (rank and numbering attempted to remove, stronger signs of age) and 1 x The German Army. A picture book for German boys, second edition, Stuttgart: Verlag von Gustav Weise, orig. Items from the family estate of Colonel Hermann Kessler, he was among other things regimental commander of Grenadier Regiment 192, Eastern Front, in October 1942, his field post number 19594: mobilization on January 1, 1940, regimental staff, infantry regiment 171 (Military District IV Bautzen), then regimental staff and staff company Grenadier Regiment 171 (24.3.1944-6.11.1944) 23.8.1944 deleted, 1944 leader reserve army group C (for use as combat commander), numerous awards: Iron Cross 1st Class, German Cross in Gold, Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, Wound Badge in Silver , different Signs of age and use

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