Price Database

114th Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/16/2018

2.430 Positionen

Officer's chest II. WW/Saxony

Lot 9343 limit € 20

Wooden body with dark green fabric covering, blackened metal straps and edges, carrying handles on the side, lined with red and white paper on the inside, removable upper storage compartment, fastening straps, on the lid marked H. Kessler Chemnitz Ahornstraße 48, stronger signs of age and wear (e.g. slightly damaged, without key, remnants of transport slips), approx. 76 x 38 x 37 cm; Colonel Hermann Kessler was, among other things, regimental commander of Grenadier Regiment 192, Eastern Front, in October 1942, his field post number 19594: mobilization on January 1, 1940, regimental headquarters, Infantry Regiment 171 (Wehrkreis IV Bautzen), then regimental headquarters and staff company, Grenadier Regiment 171 (March 24, 1944 -6.11.1944) 23.8.1944 deleted, 1944 leader reserve army group C (for use as combat commander), numerous awards: Iron Cross I. Class, German Cross in Gold, Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, Wound Badge in Silver, original piece from family estate,

bid preparation

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