Price Database

125th Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/12/2020

1.959 Positionen

Funnel vase and ashtray

Lot 4118 limit € 30

Meissen manufactory, swords underglaze blue, 4 cuts through or first choice, painting in Indian purple decor with gold dots or trefoil motif, gold edges, vase damaged on the edge of the mouth, H approx. 9.5 cm, D approx. 13 cm, after 1948

bid preparation

Current auction

143. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
am 22. November 2024

Lot 4344
Opening price € 280

Figur Italienische Komödie

Lot 4291
Opening price € 3.900

Bodenvase 1001 Nacht

Lot 4213
Opening price € 390

Figürlicher Tafelaufsatz Zwiebelmuster

Lot 4172
Opening price € 330

Flötist aus der Galanten Kapelle