Price Database

128th Art and Antiques Auction
from 06.03.2021

2.207 Positionen

Collection of patriotic literature

Lot 1513 limit € 30

13 vols., as well: Wilhelm Ziegler people without leadership. The end of the Second Reich, Hamburg: Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt, oJ; Speeches by the Führer at the Greater Germany party conference in 1938, 4th edition, Munich: Central publishing house of the NSDAP/Franz Eher Nachf., 1939; Wilhelm Weiß (ed.), The War in the West. Based on the reports of the 'Völkischer Beobachter', Munich: Central publishing house of the NSDAP/Franz Eher Nachf., 1941; Fritz von Forell (ed.), Mölders and his men, Graz: Steirische Verlagsanstalt, 1941; Rudolf van Wehrt, Tannenberg. How Hindenburg beat the Russians, Berlin: Verlag Ullstein, 1934; Erich Gritzbach, Hermann Goering. Works and people, Munich: Central publishing house of the NSDAP/Franz Eher Nachf., 1938; Joseph Goebbels, From Imperial Court to Imperial Chancellor. A historical account in diary pages, 11th edition, Munich: Central publishing house of the NSDAP/Franz Eher Nachf., 1936; Paul von Hindenburg, From my life, Leipzig: S. Hirzel Verlag, 1927; High Command of the Army (ed.), Weapons Booklets of the Army. The artillery, Munich: Deutscher Volksverlag, oJ; Ludwig von Reuter, Scapa Flow. The Grave of the German Fleet, 3rd edition, Leipzig: Verlag von KF Koehler, 1923; Paul von Rennenkampf, The twenty-day struggle of my detachment at the Battle of Mukden, Berlin: Ernst Siegfried Mittler and Son, 1909; HJ Zeller, Motherland. A book for Germany's girls and women, Gauting: Verlagsbuchhandlung HA Berg, 1927; Helmut and Erna Blenck, Africa in Colors. The Color Book of the German Colonies. German East and South West Africa, ed. from the Reichskolonialbund, Munich: Fichte-Verlag Paul Wustrow. Publisher for colonial literature, 1941; Paul Schreckenbach/Franz Neubert, Martin Luther. A picture of his life and work, Leipzig: Verlagsbuchhandlung by JJ Weber, 1921; different Signs of age and wear, partly binding. or dust jacket damaged, partly browned, stained

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