Price Database

131st Art and Antiques Auction
from 06.11.2021

2.207 Positionen

Maritime pomp centerpiece

Lot 6090 limit € 18.000

Silver 800 and 830, Jean L. Schlingloff, Hanau (bowl) and Jakob Grimminger, Schwäbisch Gmünd (ship), four feet fully sculpted as dolphins, carrying this large bowl in the Gothic style with hump segments, tendrils with fruits, flowers and 8 incorporated almadine cabochons, above the middle of the bowl with acanthus leaf decorations, a slender dolphin carrying a three-masted sailing ship with sailors, as a detailed crowning of the top, overall good condition, H approx. 78 cm, bowl D approx. 60 cm, approx. 8,000 g, Late 19th century/around 1900

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Current auction

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am 31. Mai 2024

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