Price Database

89th Art and Antiques Auction
from 09.06.2013

1.959 Positionen

Historical travel guides

Lot 1002 limit € 50

all in all 5 different illustrated editions provided with maps or plans, as well: 4 x Baedeker's travel manuals: 1 x "Switzerland together with the adjacent parts of Upper Italy, Savoy and Tyrol" 1909, 1 x "The German Baltic Sea coast - manual for travelers " 1922, 1 x "Southern Bavaria, Tyrol and Salzburg, Upper and Lower Austria, Styria, Carinthia and Carniola" 1894, 1 x "The Riviera, southern France, Corsica, the health resorts in South Tyrol, on the northern Italian lakes and on Lake Geneva " 1902, each published: Leipzig: Verlag von Karl Baedeker, red orig. Linen binding and 1 x "Illustrated guide through Dalmatia, along the coast from Albania to Corfu and to the Ionian Islands", Leipzig: Hartlebens Verlag, 1902, red orig. full linen, different Signs of age and use

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