Price Database

90th Art and Antiques Auction
from 09/21/2013

1.959 Positionen

Collection of garden books by Karl Foerster

Lot 1057 limit € 30

6 pieces in total, including: 2 x "New Flowers - New Gardens" or "Gardening joy like never before - Small Garden Annoyance Lexicon", each Berlin and Bern: Verlag der Gartenschönheit, 1940s, linen (including endpaper burst, slightly scuffed .), 1 x "Blue Treasure of the Gardens", Leipzig: Philipp Reclam jun., 1940, 1 x "Entrance of the Grasses and Ferns into the Gardens", Radebeul: Neumann Verlag, 1957 etc., different. strong signs of age and wear

bid preparation

Current auction

143. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
am 22. November 2024

Lot 1527
Opening price € 70

Alte Leipziger Goldschmiede-Arbeiten

Lot 1524
Opening price € 20

Drei Bände Lyrik

Lot 1533
Opening price € 40

Cézanne und sein Kreis