Price Database

90th Art and Antiques Auction
from 09/21/2013

1.959 Positionen

decorative box

Lot 6516 limit € 80

Silver, marked in Russian, master's mark, purity mark 84, on four flower-shaped feet, rectangular body made of fine wickerwork with wires and beads, polychrome transparent enamel borders, hinged lid, slightly damaged, signs of age and wear, approx. 5 x 8 x 6 cm, Moscow, around 1900

bid preparation

Current auction

143. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
am 22. November 2024

Lot 6069
Opening price € 105

flower bowl

Lot 6085
Opening price € 100


Lot 6057
Opening price € 120

salad servers

Lot 6042
Opening price € 100

Six fruit forks