Price Database

90th Art and Antiques Auction
from 09/21/2013

1.959 Positionen

Collection of documents Saxony

Lot 8601 limit € 20

1930s to the GDR - time, all in all approx. 12 ID cards as well as various documents, including: 1 x work book Döbeln from 1947, 1 x FDGB - membership book Döbeln/Hainichen from 1951, 1 x ID card for work and social security dairy cooperative Hainichen from 1967 , 1 x proof of qualification 1971 (dairy-skilled worker-cheese dairy of the Karl-Marx-Stadt milk association), various documents such as employment contract 1973, wage increase 1971, cancellation of the wage level 1955, certificate "Moritz Herklotz / Chemnitz laundry factory" 1932 (with the signature of the owner Moritz Herklotz), insurance certificate Chemnitz 1944 etc., different signs of age and usage

bid preparation

Current auction

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am 22. November 2024

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Three jewelry boxes

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Schaukasten heimische Pflanzen