Price Database

90th Art and Antiques Auction
from 09/21/2013

1.959 Positionen

Collection of silver coins from the Empire and III. Rich

Lot 9043 limit € 30

10 coins in total, including: 1 x 2 marks of the Prussian Empire, Wilhelm II. Head right, rs. crowned heraldic eagle, 1898 (A), 2 x 5 Reichsmark, "garrison church" (undated), rs. Eagle (without swastika), 1934 (D), 1935 (A), 1 x 5 Reichsmark "Hindenburg", reverse. Eagle (with swastika), 1936 (F), 4 x 2 Reichsmark "Hindenburg", reverse. Eagle (with swastika), 1938 (A, B, E, G), 1 x 2 Mark Prussian Empire, Friedrich I. and Wilhelm II. Double portrait to the left, rs. crowned heraldic eagle, 1901 (without A but Berlin), in matching old silver setting with silver chain, weight of all 9 silver coins with chain approx. 107 g, plus 1 x 8 doubles (bronze) Guernsey under British rule, 1920 (H)

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