Price Database

90th Art and Antiques Auction
from 09/21/2013

1.959 Positionen

Reservist picture Chemnitz - Saxony

Lot 9525 limit € 20

Photo montage, view over the Chemnitz castle pond, inscribed "Es war im Zeisigwald in the month of May", "Reserve 6. Comp. 15. Inf. Rgm No. 181 1912-14" and the photo studio: "Otto Kühn Chemnitz Planitzstr. 90" , behind glass in the frame (heavily damaged), image format approx. 39 x 48 cm (image detail approx. 55 x 64 cm), stronger signs of age

bid preparation

Current auction

143. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
am 22. November 2024

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Opening price € 30


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