Convolute Island Library
Lot 1042
limit € 40
35 volumes in total, including: 4/1 Bismarck, 22 Huch, 23 Binding, 57/1B Carmen, 58 Huch, 65 Stendhal, 96/3 Carus, 108/2A Rembrandt, 112/1 Wagner, 126/2C Burckhardt , 138 Schopenhauer, 195 Stieler, 209/2 Kurz, 210/2 le Fort, 227/1B Luther, 243/2A Keller, 278 Stifter, 303/2 Meyer, 349/1 branch, 387 Chinese, 417/1 Grillparzer, 420 Timmermanns, 426 Waggerl, 437 Mörike, 441/1 Grimm, 520 Fujijama, 562/2 Gellert, 681/2 Schwob, 690 Busch, 813 Lear, 835 Zinn, 916 Leonow, 917 Barlach, 1118 Walser, different Signs of age and use
bid preparation