Convolute Island Library
Lot 1071
limit € 30
34 volumes in total, including: 1/1A Rilke, 58 Huch, 69 Stifter, 96/1 Wagner, 96/3 Carus, 175/1C Brentano, 209/2 Kurz, 216/2 Eekhoud, 222 Labé, 239/ 2 Minnelieder, 272 Äsop, 334/2 Carossa, 370/2 Zweig, 290/1 Strindberg, 391 Schaffner, 400 Rilke, 409 Rilke, 425 Löns, 480/1B Rilke, 505/1A Naumburger, 560 Minne II, 563 Rolland, 692 Kuang, 960 Dürer, 970 Cranach etc., differ. Signs of age and use
bid preparation