Price Database

93rd Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/21/2014

2.430 Positionen

Large Group Of Historicism Cutlery

Lot 6520 limit € 20

silver-plated, marked among other things: WM. Rogers & Son, Rogers, USA?, HEP and MHU, consisting of 52 parts: including dining, fish, dessert and serving cutlery, various shapes and decorations, including pointed handle ends, rich tendrils and floral depictions in relief, curved rocaille edges and volutes, signs of age and wear, in 2 original cases, fork length up to approx. 19 cm, knife length up to approx. 24.5 cm, late 19th century.

bid preparation

Current auction

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am 7. März 2025

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Mocha seeds on tray

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Big foot bowl