Price Database

93rd Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/21/2014

2.430 Positionen

Neo-Rococo flower column

Lot 7509 limit € 40

Walnut, carved central support, curved and decorated with rich scrollwork and foliage, partly openwork, eight-sided base and cover plate with profiled edge, concave corners, reworked ready for living, approx. 81 x 29 x 29 cm, late 19th century.

bid preparation

Current auction

144. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
am 7. März 2025

Lot 8039
Opening price € 600


Lot 8018
Opening price € 30

Historicism Wall Mirror

Lot 8006
Opening price € 60

Ausziehbarer Tisch

Lot 8041
Opening price € 280

Stahlrohrmöbel - Beistelltisch