Price Database

93rd Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/21/2014

2.430 Positionen

Silver medal Empire The Red Baron 1918

Lot 9011 limit € 60

vs. Portrait of Rittmeister Manfred Frh. Richthofen, RS. Eagle and symbols The Red Battle - Flieger, D approx. 37 mm, approx. 20 g, design by Karl Goetz, edge embossing BAYER. MAIN COIN OFFICE FINE SILVER

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Current auction

144. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
am 7. März 2025

Lot 1234
Opening price € 300

Sechzehn Feingoldmedaillen

Lot 1204
Opening price € 30

Lot of postcards

Lot 1236
Opening price € 150

Acht Feingoldbarren mit Pharaonenmotiv