Price Database

93rd Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/21/2014

2.430 Positionen

Collection of West Berlin and Federal Republic of Germany stamps

Lot 9061 limit € 50

1 x interesting and extensive collection West Berlin, from 1948, the postage stamps of the Allied occupation with red or black overprint, until 1990 200th birthday Diesterweg, mostly canceled, except for a few values probably complete, 1 x lot of approx. 16 postal stationery Federal Republic, mint (Euro values), 1 x mint set of machine stamps Bund, 10 Pf - 280 Pf (1st issue 1981-1994) as well as 1 x item block issues Bund, mostly mint, approx. 24 issues and various stamps, including block 14 Art Nouveau in Germany with rare variety 14 I (break in the line between the first and second petal, Michel rating -.-), all in all high catalog value of several thousand euros, unchecked in the slip-in album

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