Price Database

93rd Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/21/2014

2.430 Positionen

Lot of Militaria Empire and III. Rich

Lot 9527 limit € 80

11 parts in total, 1 x Iron Cross 1939, on a black-white-red ribbon, 1 x button ribbon in black-white-red, 1 x Wound Badge III. Rich, black, hollow embossed, 2 x dog tags Stammkp. GEB 102 - 01419, RAD 4/32/191 - M227, 1 x award III. Rich, silver-colored oak leaf, L approx. 83 mm, with certificate, 1st winner of the club regatta youth - one combat court Chemnitz (1938), 1 x military pass Kaiserreich with certificate of dismissal, Chemnitz World War II participant (Landsturm recruit from 1915, I. Ers.-Batl 2nd Gren Regt No. 101) as well as 1 x insurance card and 3 x work books III. Rich, unchecked lot, different. Signs of age and use

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