Price Database

97th Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/13/2015

1.959 Positionen

Musician boy

Lot 4172 limit € 280

Meissen manufactory, swords underglaze blue, 1st choice, model Michel Victor Acier 1778, model no. G 11, "Bagpipe player", boy in a classical costume with a shoulder bag, playing a bagpipe, on a square base with a rock support, polychrome painted, discreetly decorated with gold, left hand and chanter restored, H approx. 11 cm, after 1948

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Current auction

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am 22. November 2024

Lot 4337
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Gärtnerkind mit Hacke und Blumenkorb

Lot 4217
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Figurative spice bowl

Lot 4390
Opening price € 330

Pariser Ausrufer Trommler