Price Database

97th Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/13/2015

1.959 Positionen

Collection of German small coins

Lot 9029 limit € 40

Altogether over 1.4 kg, including: 2 x 1 Mark 1886 (A), 1875 (A), 2 x 1 Pf 1897 (E), 1916 (E), 4 x 2 Pf 1936 (A, E), 1937 (2 x E), 5 Pf 1897 (G), 6 x 10 Pf 1892 (G), 1893 (G), 1897 (G), 1899 (G), 1901 (G), 1906 (J), 50 Pf (aluminum) with swastika, 1 Mark 1934 (E) etc., unchecked lot, different conservation

bid preparation

Current auction

143. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion
am 22. November 2024

Lot 1247
Opening price € 40

Konvolut Plaketten

Lot 1233
Opening price € 30

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Lot 1210
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Lot 1245
Opening price € 40

Drei Briefmarkenalben Blocks