All in all, over 370 pieces, as well as a collection of emergency money notes: different. Cities such as Wittenburg (Mecklenb.), Glogau (Silesia), Wittgensdorf (near Chemnitz), Greiffenberg (Silesia), Grünberg (Silesia), Koenigswinter (Rhine), Mallwitz (Bober) and collection of paper money: 1 x 5 Pfennig prisoner camp Chemnitz (Printed by Alexander Wiede Chemnitz) around 1918, 1 x 50 million mark emergency money from the city of Fürth October 1, 1923, 1 x 50 billion mark October 26, 1923, 3 x 50 pfennigs 1948, 1 x 1 billion mark September 5, 1923, 1 x 500 Mark Saxon Bank January 2, 1911, 1 x 20 Reichsmark January 22, 1924, 1 x 20 million and 1 x 50 million Mark respectively July 25, 1923, 1 x 100 Reichsmark August 30, 1935, 1 x 5 Reichsmark August 1, 1942, 1 x 2 million mark Allgemeine Deutsche Credit-Anstalt Chemnitz July 26, 1923, 1 x 200,000 mark Chemnitz August 24, 1923 (row A7), 1 x 100,000 mark Chemnitz August 10, 1923 (row A3) etc. , unexamined rich treasure trove, mixed condition
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143. Kunst- und Antiquitätenauktion am 22. November 2024