Price Database

97th Art and Antiques Auction
from 06/13/2015

1.959 Positionen

Collection of historical medals

Lot 9071 limit € 30

A total of 9 different productions, including: 1 x pewter medal, on the death of Louis XVI. Augustus of France (1754 Versailles - 1793 Paris), vs. royal family Paris, rs. King's death 1793, D approx. 45 mm (perforation in the upper third), 1 x bronze colored medal on the siege of Lille 1708 (old Ryssel) during the Spanish War of Succession in 1708, vs. Turmbau, rs. Siege, D approx. 47 mm (perforation in the upper third), 1 x pewter medal, vs. portrait of Johannes Calvin (actually Jean Cauvin, 1509 Noyon/Picardie - 1564 Geneva) bust to the right, rs. allegorical scene of faith, D approx. 60 mm, probably 18th century, 1 x French bronze medal, vs. Boieldieu head to the left, "HONNEUR AU TALENT", in a cartouche "BENIOWSKI / LE CALIFE / LA DAME BLANCHE", draft by Barré , rs. coat of arms of Rouen, "A FRCOIS ADEN BOIELDIEU NE A ROUEN LE XV DECEMBRE MDCCLXXV / MDCCCXXVI", D approx. 45 mm (hooked) etc., untested interesting lot

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